Blog Post

How to Start a Block Watch

  • By Michael St Victor
  • 24 Sep, 2020

If you are starting to see the advantages of a Block Watch, it might be time to get one in your neighborhood. Here’s what to do:

1) The Block Watch rep will need to apply. Go to At the bottom of the page, click on “Block Watch Application.” You can fill out the application online in just a few minutes.

2) Once you have applied, the approval process takes a day or two. Upon approval, we will reach out to you and get you a Block Watch packet that has information and forms that you might want. We will also get you in contact with your neighborhood COPS shop.

3) We will call you to discuss what problems are in your area that you are hoping to address with your Block Watch and answer any other questions you might have.

4) Round up all neighbors and decide on a time and date for a meeting. We can do the meeting at someone’s house, at a COPS shop, or any other location. You can create a flier to invite neighbors, click here for some templates. Let your COPS shop know when and where this meeting will be.

5) COPS staff, shop volunteers, your NRO, and other relevant persons will be there for the meeting. We will lead the meeting and tell everyone about Block Watch, how it works, and begin devising a plan to deal with the most pressing issues. We’ll go over the reporting paperwork that neighbors will need to document issues and empower everyone to help get results. We’ll also cover things like suspicious activity, code violations, etc., and how to report those things, as well as discussing methods of communication for the group. We’ll even cover some of our other programs like Safe Streets, Neighborhood Observation Patrol, and other programs that are available. And remember, the more people who are present and participate in this process, the faster you will get results, as a general rule.

6) Your neighborhood COPS shop will stay in contact with you and set up more follow up meetings if/as needed.

By Traci Ponto 13 Dec, 2022

Scammers advertise jobs the same way legitimate employers do — online (in ads, on job sites, and social media), in newspapers, and sometimes on TV and radio. They promise you a job, but what they want is your money and your personal information. Here are some examples of jobs scams and tips to help you avoid them.

Work-from-home job scams

Many people would like to work from home and generate income. Scammers know this, so they place ads, often online, claiming that they have jobs where you can make thousands of dollars a month working from home with little time and effort. Sometimes the scammers try to get you interested by saying that you can be your own boss , start your own business, or set your own schedule.

But instead of making money, you end up paying for starter kits, “training,” or certifications that are useless. You might also find that your credit card is charged without your permission, or you get caught up in a fake check scam. If someone offers you a job and they claim that you can make a lot of money in a short period of time and with little work, that’s a scam.

Nanny, caregiver, and virtual personal assistant job scams

Scammers post fake job ads for nannies, caregivers, and virtual assistants on job sites. Or they may send emails that look like they’re from someone in your community, or who is part of an organization you know, like your college or university. If you apply, the person who hires you might send you a check. They’ll tell you to keep part of the money for your services and then send the rest to someone else. That is a scam. A legitimate employer will never ask you to do that. What happens next is that the check is fake. It can take weeks for a bank to discover this, but once they do, the bank will want you to repay that full amount. So: if you get an offer that includes depositing a check and then using some of the money for any reason, that’s a scam. Walk away.

How to Avoid a Job Scam

Before you accept a job offer, and certainly before you pay for one, take these steps to protect yourself from job scams:

  • Do an online search. Look up the name of the company or the person who’s hiring you, plus the words “scam,” “review,” or “complaint.” You might find out they’ve scammed other people.
  • Talk to someone you trust . Describe the offer to them. What do they think? This also helps give you vital time to think about the offer.
  • Don't pay for the promise of a job . Legitimate employers, including the federal government, will never ask you to pay to get a job. Anyone who does is a scammer.
  • Never bank on a “cleared” check.  No legitimate potential employer will ever send you a check and then tell you to send on part of the money, or buy gift cards with it. That’s a fake check scam. The check will bounce, and the bank will want you to repay the amount of the fake check.

What to Do if You Paid a Scammer

No matter how you paid — debit or credit card, bank or wire transfer, gift card, or cash reload card — immediately contact the company you used to send the money,  report the fraud, and ask to have the transaction reversed, if possible.

Report Job Scams to the FTC

If you see or lose money to a job scam, report it to the FTC at You can also report it to your state attorney general.

Find out more about how to avoid scams at

By Patrick Striker 13 Dec, 2022

As we progress into the heart of winter, we at Spokane C.O.P.S. want to make sure you and your family are safe. Winter can be a fun and beautiful season, but it can also be dangerous if you aren’t prepared. Read these to tips to help stay safe!

By Patrick Striker 24 Oct, 2022

Halloween is coming up! That means a lot of things: fun, costumes, candy, and trick-or-treating. It also means that as a parent, you might want to take a moment and think about safety for your kids during Halloween. We want Halloween to be a safe event for you and your family!

And don’t forget, if you are looking for a safe place to trick-or-treat this year, swing past C.O.P.S. West (1901 W Boone Ave) to get some candy and get your picture taken for a costume contest!

Here are some safety tips. Most are common sense, but it’s still a good idea to go over this list with your kids before you head out the door.

1. Make sure you go with your younger kids for their trick-or-treating. It’s easy to feel safe in our own neighborhoods and let them go without adults, but always play it safe and stay with them.

2. Look both ways when crossing the street and wait for cars to completely stop. Just because it’s Halloween, don’t assume that cars are paying attention to kids crossing the street.

3. As much as possible, stay in well-lit areas. Avoid alleyways and places that are dark.

4. Stay on the sidewalk and avoid walking in the street or on peoples’ yards.

5. Only visit homes who have their porch lights on.

6. Never go into a house to get candy.

7. Keep a cell phone on you and make sure your kids know to dial 911 in the event of an emergency.

8. Notify law enforcement immediately if you see any suspicious or unlawful activities.

9. Make sure someone knows where you are going.

10. Carry a flashlight or wear reflective material if you are able to help cars see you.

11. Avoid costumes that have sharp points or are so long they could cause you to trip and fall.

12. Masks are fun, but they make it hard to see. Consider face paint instead.

13. Check all candy to make sure it is sealed. Discard anything that appears to be opened, punctured, or tampered with.


Follow those guidelines and have a fun, safe Halloween with your family!

By Traci Ponto 24 Oct, 2022

Buying a gift card to pay someone? STOP. It’s a scam !

Gift cards are for presents they are not for payments !     

It is just that simple to remember!

If someone is reaching out to you by email, PayPal, Craigslist, Marketplace, Amazon, phone calls or any other means and request you get ‘gift cards’ for a payment...THIS IS A SCAM.

These imposters, scammers, fakes, fraudsters are commonly requesting payment in the form of a gift card. They may start off with an email or phone call, start telling you that you have been hacked or you need some type of service they can help you with. They may appear to be concerned for you, only want what is best for you.

They may claim to be from the IRS, or they can help you keep your Social Security benefits, work with you on your utility payments, pretend to be tech support for that IPAD you have, help bail out a family member in trouble, claim to be someone in the military needing money, or even threaten you with an arrest!

At the end of the hook, they may try to convince you that acceptable payment is by gift cards. Remember these words…Gift cards are for presents they are not for payments…THIS IS A SCAM.

If you get contacted by a scammer HANG UP the phone. They will try to call you back multiple times. BLOCK their number. Report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission at You can also visit the FTC website for more information on gift card scams at cards.

This card is an easy step by step reminder on how to recognize a scam, how to handle it and how to report it to the authorities.

If you have any concerns or questions don’t hesitate to contact our Crime Victim Advocate Traci, at 509 625 3328.

By Traci Ponto 01 Sep, 2022

It is the highest honor our C.O.P.S. Mounted Patrol Unit can do to show gratitude for our men and women who serve our county and who serve our communities.

Established in 2019, our Drill team starts its practice in early Spring and goes until the end of August.

As you pull into the parking lot, you will see the team walk their four-legged athletes out of horse trailers and hear soft nickers as if the horses are saying hello to their friends. Horses stand tied to trailers, as volunteers pull equipment out of trailers as if it is its own synchronized movement. Buckets, hay bags, stereo speakers, flags, blankets, saddles, wraps, everyone is busy getting and ready for practice. You will hear laughter, chatter, you will see friends hugging one another and then it's time to get to work.

Volunteers bring their saddled horses into the sandy arena and begin to warm up. Walking, trotting, cantering. The flags are lined up against the railing and are slowly picked up, draped over horse heads and waved around bodies, as if to remind our horses the flag is our friend. When we feel satisfied the horse is quiet over the flag, they slip into flag boot holders attached near the stirrups.

We continue to warm up until we hear the whistle. 3 short bursts and the team gathers in a circle to go over a few details before we begin practice. The Team Leader (TL) is Billie Malcolm. She has led this team since the start in 2019. Billie has great energy and always a smile on her face. You will often find her bareback and bridle less on her big Paint, Jewels. We gather around to hear what is planned for the next couple of hours and set to work.

By Washington State Crime Prevention Association 16 Aug, 2022
By Traci Ponto 30 Jun, 2022

Spokane C.O.P.S. Mounted Patrol Unit started as an all-volunteer group of people who shared the love of horses and who wanted to give back to the Spokane community. The bond that is developed between a horse and rider is often times indescribable.

The smell of the horsehair, the squeak of the leather, the sound of clip clops as the horse makes his way. We knew we had to share these experiences with the community, a community that may not have the chance otherwise to meet a horse up close, to pet, to smell, to hear. It was our goal to bring our horses into the city parks so families could experience these magical moments that we know so much about.

When we first brought our horses to the city parks, we saw the excitement in the eyes of children that made our hearts leap! But it was the elderly generation that caught us off guard. It was through their eyes that we realized we almost missed an opportunity to make some magic.

In 2020, the COVID pandemic isolated so many people. Our elderly generation in assisted living centers were amongst the population that suffered greatly. Families who normally went and visited their loved ones in these facilities found themselves visiting through windows, or by technology. People were lonely, sad, and felt abandoned.

A friend reached out to me in hopes of raising some spirits at an assisted living facility his mother was at. This was a new idea to us. We had not taken horses to assisted living facilities. Yet, we reached out to the facility and made a plan.

By Patrick Stiker 30 Jun, 2022

Crime is a concern no matter what city you live in. It’s always on peoples’ minds and can deeply affect our daily lives. There are so many things you can do to fight back, but did you know one of the greatest things you can do to keep your streets safe is to throw an epic block party? It’s true! (Man, I love my job!) So how does that work? What’s the connection between throwing a party and fighting back against crime? It’s simpler than you think.

By Patrick Striker & Johanna Ross 01 Jun, 2022

Sometimes victims need help. We all know this. The “system” can be overwhelming and confusing, and trying to get results and navigate their way to restorative justice can leave a victim feeling like they just got victimized again. And that’s where we come in. Our Crime Victim Advocates can step in and take a person by the hand and help them navigate those waters. Recently, we had a pretty incredible example of an elderly person who was victimized and had no path forward. Annette, one our Advocates, got some key community members to come together and help this person evict a really terrible roommate, prepare and sell his house (that sold in a few days far above asking price), find him a new place that was perfect for him, AND even help him move. It’s a pretty incredible story of what we can help facilitate for people who need us.

A few months ago, a person (we’ll call him “Ken”) came into a C.O.P.S. shop with a problem. Ken was an elderly man, very quiet and shy. He said he had a wallet he needed to turn into return to its rightful owner. On the surface, this was great and very common for someone to come into a C.O.P.S. shop for that reason. But as he talked, it turned out there was a little more to this story. Ken had a roommate who had been living with him for several years, a gal he knew whom Ken was trying to help out and let her get back on her feet. He let her move into a spare bedroom. She paid rent for awhile and then stopped. She began “taking over” more and of Ken’s house and claiming it as her own. She was becoming more and more controlling and domineering towards Ken. Ken told her perhaps it was time to move on, she refused. She said she wasn’t going anywhere, nor would she be paying rent, and he needed to deal with it. With all of the Covid protections for renters at the time, she knew she didn’t have to go anywhere and told him that. Over time, the bullying got progressively worse and worse. She got a boyfriend who began living there as well, and a few days prior to coming into the C.O.P.S. shop, the boyfriend had beat Ken, this sweet, kind, elderly man, and put Ken in the hospital. Ken came home several days later and boyfriend was gone, but he had left his wallet on the floor. Ken, being a kind man, felt that even in spite of this assault, the right thing to do was to turn the wallet in.

The front desk volunteer was very concerned with all of this and asked if they could refer Ken to a Victim Advocate to help deal with this situation and figure out how to get this roommate out, even with all the Covid protections that were making evictions impossible. Annette Henriksen was the Advocate who made contact with Ken. She immediately gravitated towards Ken – he was so sweet and kind, and was clearly an elderly man being taken advantage of. After a few meetings and trying to devise a plan to get the roommate out, Ken decided he was old enough that the correct decision was to sell the house and move into a retirement community. But even that could potentially be tricky with Covid protections for renters. When Ken had mentioned he was considering selling, the roommate told him that was not going to happen and she wouldn’t “let” him. Annette reached out to a friend and trusted realtor, Kali Butler. Kali used her realty firm, Exit Realty, to research and see what pitfalls they needed to avoid. After feeling comfortable with the path forward, Annette, Kali, and C.O.P.S. Executive Director Patrick Striker were able to come to Ken’s house as a group to help make it clear in no uncertain terms that the house WAS being sold and the roommate DID need to leave.

Now Ken wasn’t alone. Instead of this woman bullying him and taking advantage of him, Ken had the backing of these other people to begin moving things forward. As with any bully, she was picking on Ken because he was alone. Now that this wasn’t the case anymore, we turned the tides. She was given a date to be out of the house by. Once she realized the game was over and Ken had friends who were acting on his behalf now, she moved out. She knew she couldn’t bully her way through this anymore, and she left.

But our story doesn’t end there. Kali Butler, as with everyone who meets Ken, took an immediate liking to him. She sent in a crew to clean his house and then stage his house so he could get top dollar for it. She even sent in a contractor to help clean up the yard and back area where the previous year’s storm had left a mess of fallen trees and debris that an elderly man had no chance of dealing with. The house was made beautiful in short order and when it went on the market, it sold within a couple days, far above asking price. Ken was speechless.

And our story still keeps going. A problem we had run into was trying to find a place for Ken – so many of the retirement homes were full in our area and Ken wanted to make his way south towards northern California. Kali made a great connection then – her mom had a large, beautiful house and wanted to bring in a renter, and Ken was looking for a place. It was a perfect fit. And that’s where Annette and Kali REALLY went the extra mile – 160 extra miles, actually. Kali’s mom lives south of Spokane by several hours, and to get Ken there safe and sound, Annette and Kali actually moved him down there and got him set up at Kali’s mom’s place.

It was only then that Annette and Kali were willing to close the file and call it Resolved. But that’s the way this should work – rather than an elderly man being taken advantage of, Spokane C.O.P.S. saw red flags when he was at the shop, referred it to Crime Victim Advocate who jumped in, tapped into her social capital to bring in another expert who could help professionally, who then used her social capital to go the extra mile and get Ken to safe, happy place that was a win for everyone.

What does a perfect scenario for helping a victim look like in Spokane? Just like that. Just ask Ken.

If you can’t get enough of this story, here is the full interview with Annette Henriksen and Kali Butler.

By Patrick Striker 01 Jun, 2022

Summer is here. The weather is getting warm, school is ending soon for the year, and you have vacations lined up. Hopefully fun vacations that get you and your family away for some quality time together. But as you plan for your time away, have you made plans about home safety?

 You’ve taken the time to plan your route, line up the hotels, buy tickets to the events at your destination, but: 

  • Did you let the newspaper company know that you won’t be home so they don’t pile up newspapers on your porch, a dead giveaway that no one is home? 
  • Did you let the post office know that you won’t be there so they can hold your mail, another dead giveaway that no one is around? 
  • Do you have a strong relationship with your neighbors where you let them know you won’t be around, so they can help monitor your house and let you know if there is an emergency? 
  • Are your lights set to come on at night? 

There are so many things we have to do when we leave town, and often when we are focused on the vacation, we neglect preparing our own home. But that neglect can increase your risk of being burglarized when you are gone. Even things like social media can increase your risk: it’s great to post those fun vacation photos, but in doing so, you are advertising to the world that you are not home. So consider posting them after you get back.

There are so many things to consider, and we can help you with a check list of things to do before you leave. Not only that, but our volunteers are willing to do vacation home checks while you are away. Before you go on vacation, swing by your neighborhood C.O.P.S. shop. Let our volunteers know that you are leaving, and they can get you signed up so our volunteers can do some quick exterior checks while you are gone to make sure things are looking safe and locked up, just as you left it. 

Or if you don't have time to stop in to your neighborhood C.O.P.S. shop, you can fill out a "Vacation Home Check Request" on our very own website. Follow the link here -->  Spokane C.O.P.S. Resources (

That peace of mind just might help you enjoy your vacation a little more. Stop by your neighborhood C.O.P.S. shop today!  

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